Senior Planner
T: 905 574 1993 ext. 202
Diana Morris, BA, MCIP, RPP
Diana has been a Registered Planner since 2013. She obtained her Honours degree from McMaster University in Geography and her diploma from Mohawk College in the Urban and Regional Planning Technician program.
Diana joins the team with 12 years of Planning experience in the private sector and has lead the approvals and registrations of Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plans of Subdivision and Condominium, Consents andMinor Variances. Diana has worked on a range of projects, from start to finish, in numerous Municipalities including Hamilton, Burlington, Oakville, Brantford, Haldimand County, Lincoln and Stratford. Diana is a qualified OMB/LPAT witness.
Over the last 3 years, Diana has taught part-time at Mohawk College in the Urban and Regional Planning Technician program. Courses taught include Site Planning, Introductory AutoCAD, Advanced AutoCAD, CAD Map, Planning Law, Graphic Presentation, Computer Graphics, and Subdivision Design.