Senior Designer
T. 905 574 1993 ext. 206
C. 905 650 9765
James Warren, CPT
James is the Senior Urban Designer at T. Johns Consulting Group. James manages the Design Studio. His responsibilities include site designs, project management, and researching policies that may apply to development applications.
He also helps senior staff with the ongoing coordination of the approvals process.
James has 12 years of experience designing and reviewing conceptual plans and technical drawings for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments, Site Plan Approvals, and Committee of Adjustment applications.
He gained Diplomas as an Architectural Technologist, as well as an Urban and Regional Planning Technician (GIS) from Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario.
James is a Certified Planning Technician through the Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technicians. He is an active member on the CACPT council, currently holding the position of President of the association.