Senior Planner
T. 905.574.1993 ext. 207
Katelyn Gillis, BA
As a Senior Planner with the T. Johns Consulting team, Katelyn works closely with our senior staff on all aspects of planning application submissions including, planning policy and zoning reviews. She is also an integral part in the preparation of Planning Justification Reports and Urban Design Briefs for our clients’ projects. With her technical skill set, Katelyn is a versatile team member, she also offers valuable support to our Design Studio and prepares Concept Plans.
After graduating from Dalhousie University, Katelyn held various positions with the City of Hamilton in the Community and Emergency Services Department, Recreation Division, where she worked with youth and seniors, as well as an Employment Survey in the Planning and Economic Development Department. She was responsible for collecting, inputting and analyzing land use, spatial and employment data – all of which was compiled in various municipal staff reports.
Katelyn received a Bachelor of Arts, double majoring in International Development Studies and Environmental & Social Sustainability at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. She received an Urban and Regional Planning Technician (GIS) Diploma at Mohawk College, Hamilton, Ontario, where she graduated with honours.
She was elected class representative for the Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technicians and received the Bryan Prince Booksellers Planning Principles Merit Scholarship.
Katelyn is working simultaneously towards her Ontario Professional Planners Institute and Canadian Institute of Planners designations.